Written by Nada Mogharbel, multi-disciplinary artist & Sound Healing Facilitator @soundhealingwithnada
I feel grateful to have stumbled upon an alternative modality as soothing as Music therapy. It is also truly inspiring to witness the Valens Clinic taking a progressive step forward in supporting the offering of holistic therapies to serve the community.
Just close your eyes and remember how a favorite song can lift your mood.
Now imagine yourself sitting in the quietude of nature, listening to the murmurs of the trees, the chirping of birds, the sound of the waves, the murmurs of the trees, and feel the peace and harmony that the sounds induce.
“In clinical studies, it was proven that 2 hours of nature sounds a day reduces stress hormones up to 800% and activates 500-600 DNA segments responsible for repairing the body.” Dr. Joe Dispenza
A sound meditation allows us a chance to take a break from the noise, to tune in to that place of stillness and harmony that exists within us all.

Personally, when I hear the harmonizing echoes of nature sounds, they travel through my body, and elicit calm and tranquility. At night, I look at the stars. I listen to the silence of nature and the cosmos. I become one with the Universe, transported to a higher realm…the land of dreams and the beyond. That is the power of sound.
Healing through sounds is an ancient healing practice, that supports conventional therapy. Sound healing rituals existed in worldwide cultures, from Native American tradition who used percussive instruments, or the Australian aboriginals with their famous didgeridoo, to east Asian cultures where the Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowls originated.
During the fifth century B.C. In ancient Greece, the philosopher Pythagoras was named the “Father of Music”, as well as being recognized as the “Father of Geometry & Mathematics”. He was one of the first to prescribe music for relaxation and healing using sound and harmonic frequencies.
The science behind the benefits of Sound Healing
Sound healing is backed up by science and several studies have been done to prove its benefits. In the early 80s, French musician & acupuncturist Fabien Maman conducted biology experiments at the University of Jussieu in Paris, showing the impacts of acoustic sound on human cells. Maman found that through a series of acoustic sounds, the entire cells system of the human body became energized and empowered.
“Sound Therapy is a treatment based on the finding that human blood cells respond to sound frequencies by changing color and shape, and the hypothesis that therefore sick or rogue cells can be healed or harmonized by sound.” Fabian Maman
Today, the field of music therapy is increasing in popularity and demonstrating its value in society.
What is Sound Healing?
There are several types of Meditations that match different abilities and skill sets. Sound Healing is a form of focused awareness meditation, that uses therapeutic effects of sound vibrations and frequencies to calm the mind, soothe the heart and relax the body. It is a technique used to develop inner connection and awareness of the present moment, helping us reach a deeper level of peace, harmony, and stillness.
During a Multi-instrumental sound healing journey, a range of therapeutic music instruments are played such as the gong, 423 HZ quartz crystal bowls, Himalayan singing bowls, Ting-shas, chimes, bells, and other instruments that regulate the mind and body.
The sound Journey follows a sequence inspired by the 5 elements of Nature, with a range of low to high frequencies. The vibrations and tones cleanse, restore and rejuvenate the cells in our body. They help align and synchronize our chakras (energy centers) bringing us back to balance.
At the level of the mind, during a sound healing, the sound waves synchronize with the brain waves, helping people shift from the stimulated ‘betta’ state, to achieve profound meditative states ‘alpha’ and ‘theta” brainwaves, during which our body is in deep rest, able to restore itself.
The sounds activate the destress responses in the body, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies. Finally, people can reach ‘delta’ or deep sleep more easily.
In modern science, it is increasingly recognized that negative emotions, traumas, and stress get stored in the body and subconscious mind, creating blockages and imbalances in our body and energy centers which are often the origin of disease.
The adult body is about 75% water, and water is a great conductor for sound.
When vibrations travel through the body, they promote better circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation.
The sound vibrations allow us to release blockages, supporting the body’s natural healing process.
Benefits of Sounds Healing
Amongst the physiological and psychological benefits of Sound Healing:
- Deep relaxation & stress reduction
- Removal of Blockages and toxins
- Releasing & Purifying emotions
- Cleansing Negative energy
- Promoting rest and deep sleep
- Rejuvenating the cells in the body
- Balancing the entire chakras system
“To meet everything and everyone through stillness instead of mental noise is the greatest gift you can offer the universe. Eckhart Tolle